Incident Reporting System. PHP Website. 2017.


Incident Reporting System welcome page.
Problem Statement: Design a website that shows an understanding of PHP, databases, and customizing content for types of users.

Admin Employee Access:
  • Only admin users can see employee database.
  • Typing in web address will reject non-admins back to home screen.
Database Editing:
  • Add and edit information in databases.
  • Edit forms initially populated with that entries information.
Password Reset:
  • Reset forgotten passwords with username.
  • Sends email with new password to associated user.

Admin - View Employees

Table of employee's names, departments, and status.
Only users designated as an Admin can see, add, and edit the employee database.

Employee - Edit an Incident

Form with current status, incident type, employee involved, date, description, and resolution inputs.
  • Form is populated with database information about incident.
  • Employees can not see employee database.

Reset a Password

Login page with 'I forgot my password' button.
User clicks “I forgot my password”.
Reset password page.
User imputs thier username and clicks “send”.
message 'A new password has been emailed to user: esmith' is displayed, followed by button 'Return to Login'.
Password is reset in database.
Email titled 'Your Password Rest'. Message is 'Your password has been reset to Ks65pNyu'.
New password is emailed to user.